A Series of Fortunate Events

Another Important Audience: Work
"Don't hesitate to ask."  - Chris

That evening I had a meeting with my boss, Chris.  Our business revolves mostly around buying and selling college textbooks by providing an alternative solution to the high prices at the college bookstore and low value offered to buy them back.  We mostly operate on an online platform.  Our side of the business involves directly purchasing the student’s textbook and offering them the best prices and better convenience.

Chris is the Executive Director heading the buy-back side of operations.  We are Bucks4books.  We met at Claim Jumper before our meeting with a local librarian who was looking to get rid of a large amount of excess inventory.  This would be a good opportunity for me to explain the rapidly developing situation.  I wasn’t sure how the reaction would be.  Chris was more than empathetic of everything, offering me the shirt off his back to ease the process.  I was still asymptomatic, despite the assumptions of my doctors.  I explained that I could still perform the job as we still hadn’t reached a plan of attack to treat this.  He extended a generous offer, “If you need any time off, don’t hesitate to ask.  A week, a month, two months, anything; just let me know.’  I am so fortunate to be working for a company whose executives show such compassion. 
