A Series of Fortunate Events

Internal Revelations are coming soon...
 Jona's cancer diagnosis ultimately renewed his life through faith and trust in God.  We will share the information gathered from notes, emails, text messages, and conversations between Jona and those close to him. We hope that through his internal revelations, you too may experience a life renewed.  Rather than mourning the end of his life here on earth, we rejoice in his spiritual journey and in his eternal life in Heaven. 
Our finite brains cannot begin to comprehend the reality that he is more alive than we are. 
Continue to the Memories of Jona section to see how he touched others' lives whether they
knew him for years, months, days, or simply through his blog.

Should you feel compelled to donate, your heartfelt contributions will go to honoring  Jona and continuing his legacy.
Thank you for all your love & support.