A Series of Fortunate Events
It began in the year of ‘96 when me and Jona were teenagers.  Jona was 16 years old, a sophomore in high school and I was 17 years old, a junior in high school.   One day in photo class I was sitting in the back of the room tossing glue sticks up trying to make them stick to the ceiling when this bright-eyed curious kid walked up to me and asked “what are you doing?” I replied I’m bored so I’m just trying to entertain myself to which Jona replied “let me try”.  So he tried a couple times and gave up after the second attempt, after the second attempt came back down in his head.  He then turned to me and said that I was wasting the glue and he wanted to make sure he had supplies for tomorrow.  Even at that age Jona’s managerial skills were evident. 

Well, after two years of high school dances parties, and other events, our bond grew stronger and stronger and we eventually formed a music group with two other guys.  Many people didn’t know this side of Jona but he was a rapper. That’s right it was a hip-hop group and Jona was good.   He made beats and wrote and sang all of his own lyrics.  We performed some shows and entered a talent contest and won first place.   Eventually, the group split because Jona and I became very busy with our jobs.

At the young age of 21 years old Jona became one of the youngest second managers to work for in-n-out at the time and became a home owner when he bought a two bedroom condo in long beach.   I was honored when Jona asked me to be his roommate.  Jona and I lived together for 2 years and shared many laughs, good memories and other life-growing experiences together.  There are far too many good memories to chare all of them, but here are a few that me and him would think about sometimes; he time we were shooting possums with bottle rockets in his parent’s back yard,  all the practices and the BBQs in the backyard, the first Bob Marley fest concert that we went to and my mom giving us the third degree about it;  the Bob Marley fest that we were having in the back room at his parent’s house and his mom giving us the third degree about it.  All the in-n-out picnics, all the trips to Vegas, and all the times we would go out to eat and he would conveniently forget his wallet.   And the time by neighbor backed into a car because she was too busy looking at Jona and Jona being the good guy that he was, ran over to the car to see if she was ok, because even though Jona was a handsome devil, he had the heart and soul of an angel.  The many spiritual and political conversations that we used to have, me and Jona always enjoyed it.  


The most recent memory I have together is the last sunset we got to see with each other at Del Mar beach on August 29th, 2009 celebrating his 29th  I can honestly say that I would not be the man I am today if it wasn’t for the advice and companionship that we shared with each other over the past 13 years.  And even though I can no longer ask for his advice or opinion face to face I would continue to ask myself WWJD (What Would Jona Do?) before I make any important decisions.  He gave me good reasons to live the righteous path of God while he was here with me.  And he gave me one last good reason to continue following that path so that I will make into heaven and see my friend one day again. I love you deeply and always Jones. and last birthday.


Your good buddy,

Tony G.