A Series of Fortunate Events

The Inside Scoop
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" - Some teenager

I picked up a new desktop computer from Fry’s.  I figured the investment was worthwhile as my previous desktop of five years had taken its last breath.  I also couldn’t view my CT scans on the Mac and I wanted to be prepared for what Dr. Satay had to say tomorrow.  I was curious to see if I could deductively decipher the scan using the radiologists’ reports as a guide.

After a few minutes of trial and error, I was navigating through the inner most bowels of my body.  I saw a side of me I was never intended to see.  It’s a unique sensation seeing the workings of your inner body.  We’re such a complex machine.  Scrolling through the cross section of my abdomen, I soon realized I didn’t need to have taken high school anatomy to tell that something wasn’t right with my liver.  A massive liver was distorting the symmetry of my guts.  My right kidney nearly touching my bladder, my stomach was cramped and lob-sided, and my arteries were curved like a formula one race track.

At the right coordinates, you could distinctly see two perfectly round masses in my liver. They didn't appear as big as the findings has reported them. The black blotches grew and shrunk as I scrolled throughout the coordinates of my liver. At one point, the black blotches joined together, forming this massive 'mini liver' on what I believed was the upper rear edge of the liver. That can't be good. I shut down the program and opened Solitare. I needed a professional eye to guide me through these scans. 
