A Series of Fortunate Events

The Fastest Week of My Life
"You know what that means? It could be something with your liver."  - Christina

At the urging of my neighbor Christina who showed concern about jaundice in my eyes when she saw me on Friday June 19th, I scheduled the earliest available appointment on Tuesday for preliminary blood work.  My Primary Care Physician, Dr. Gee, was on vacation, so I saw Nurse practitioner Mark Van Oaksterdam. 

By Thursday, I was in an ultra sound chamber.  A radiologist was thumbing at a computer, occasionally glancing over his left shoulder at the young female intern, no more than 20 years of age, who was scanning my right side.  The probability that my sister, now 8 months pregnant, was having the same procedure at the very same moment crossed my mind.   This thought was quickly interrupted. "I'm……lost," the intern said with a confused tone.  The radiologist stepped in, and began methodically stroking computer keys with his left hand while his other hand slightly angled back and forth across my abdomen.  "Ok, you should have your results by the end of the day."

I left for San Diego that morning for a relaxing week-end with my executives and directors on the greens…the grass and the felt.  After a tour of our new corporate office relocated from NY, cubicles and all, I got to meet the cast responsible for the success of our company.  We run an online college textbook platform.  After a good days work, we met at a beachside restaurant for drinks and dinner.  "First rounds on me," I offered, reluctantly recalling that my health consult had advised me to steer clear of alcohol.  This was my first time outside the office with the group of execs who I'd only known on a professional level.  One beer; that was it.  It relaxes the nerves.  We had a great dinner: oysters, steak, halibut, and plenty of laughter.

The next morning, four of us tee'd off at 6:30am.  A beautiful day for golf and a good outing for everyone…save my wallet.  A hearty breakfast preceded another productive day at work that concluded at 2:00pm (love Fridays) with a phone call from Dr. Malaise.  "Hi Jonathan.  We received your results and there are a couple issues that concern us.   The good news is your Hepatitis results are negative and there are no signs of abnormal tumors.  Your liver is a bit swollen and we can't see your gallbladder, which could be why you're jaundiced.  It’s nothing to be too worried about, but I would like to refer you to a Gastro Intestinal (G.I.) specialist; her name is Dr. Jane.  She is very good.  Here is her number.  Call her today to make an appointment.  I already informed her of your situation."

I cut my San Diego week-end short.  I had planned on meeting with Dawn’s parents who live in North County on my way home, but I returned early Sunday morning after a late night trip to Pechanga's with Chris (my Boss and CEO).  Poker, live music, and action had a way of subverting the unexpected news.  The quiet drive home was more introspective. 

I met with Dr. G.I. Jane the following day.  She informed me that my liver was "very much under stress," and that I should stay away from alcohol, raw fish, and drink plenty of water.  "I'm leaving for Mexico tomorrow.  Cabo for 5 days…should I go?" I unwillingly asked.  "That should be fine, just don't drink THEIR water.  Bottled water only, no ice, no street vendor food, no alcohol, no red meat, no seafood, and stay hydrated."  Simple enough.  Not my typical Mexican getaway, but we evolve. 

"So what's the best case scenario in this situation?" I ask.
"It could just be an obstruction of the bile duct."
"And the worst case is?"

"It could be a disease, Chrohn's disease or other rare genetic Dis…"

"I guess cancer would be the worst." I interrupted.  "I doubt it's cancer."  She said with a reassuring smile.  She sent me to get more blood work and scheduled a CT scan first thing on Monday after my return.
