A Series of Fortunate Events

Dear Jona,

Jona, I know you hear me man, I know your up there looking down on me. I miss you already, I miss the memories and everything you've taught me along the way. I miss the excel spreadsheets you made me do. I miss the little things that many people don't see. From folding thousands of shirts before buyback, to listening to music, to just being guys and grabbing lunch. You were more than just my boss, you became a friend and more importantly you became someone I looked up to. A role model, a parent that I looked to for advice when mine weren't there. You've made me want to be the best I can be and just because your not here, doesn't mean I'm going to stop. I'm going to go to school and make something of my life. I know I'm going to make you proud. Your life was short lived and you still had the rest of your life ahead of you. It really puts things in perspective that this can happen to anyone and nothing in life can be taken for granted. This picture of me was taken the first week you hired me, I wish I had other pictures of me and you but I will never forget the good memories. Forever young and Forever loved may the angels lead you in. God Bless


Steven Nguyen
Campus Rep. Dec 08-May09