A Series of Fortunate Events

Research and Action
"Let the cards fall where they may, but they won't toss themselves."  - Jona Vark

The very first day of the rest of my life consisted of living it to the fullest and cherishing every moment.  New identities would morph, last minute opportunities would be enacted, and diligent time would be spent with la familia y los amigos.  The support and outreach from close friends and family who became aware of my condition provided food for my soul.  The prayer groups commenced, the lending hands were offered, and empathy was shown across the board.  Yet amongst all the hopeful dreams from empathetic souls wishing to increase the longevity, enjoyment, and sustainment of life, imperative tasks to achieve these lay at hand: research, networking, and, most importantly, ACTION

I am extremely grateful and thankful for the select few who have relentlessly taken it upon themselves to tailor their individual skills and training to provide me with useful tools, sensible guidance, pertinent references, individual letters, nutritional advice, personal company, and hysterical laughter.  Even the smallest of acts catalize a tremendous impact, keeping my spirits high and, in turn, my physical health intact.  You know who you are, and for that…Thank you.  Miracles do happen.  Miracles have happened.  But even miracles are bound to action.  So let the cards land where they may, but they won't toss themselves…

First on the to-do list: contact the link my mom and Dawn sent me - the H.E.A.R.D. registry.

Second on the to-do list: Consider a good friend's offer.  Niko was flying up to San Jose on Monday for some business and invited me to come along.  I have close family that lives in Concord, just East of the Bay Area.  I hadn't seen them in a while and family had took on a more substantial importance.  The budget alsao had to be weighed, but with a $69 fare, this struck a good balance.  
