A Series of Fortunate Events
It has taken me days to muster up the strength to finally write.  I am over whelmed with a strange combination of happy and sad tears.  The news hit me like a brick wall, because I have been out of touch with Jona for a couple years, but feel as if I just hung out with him the other day.  I hope my story adds to the incredible number of stories that prove just how awesome and amazing he was as a person.

To the family:  My name is Jenna and I meet Jona around 2002 when he was working at the In-N-Out in Lakewood.  I moved to Virginia from Pasadena after High School, and came back every summer to visit my Grandmother (Oma) who lives in Bellflower. One summer, the day I arrived I was absolutely starving so we decided to stop and get some food on the way home from the airport, and my life was forever brightened from that day on.  Jona was working the window and we sparked a conversation because he thought I was Hispanic, and I corrected him, with Dutch-Indonesian, and we chatted about all things relevant and realized an instant friendship.  I saw him again a few weeks later, working the same window and it had to be fate... I asked him if he would show me around town since my grandmother isn't exactly the party animal.  He and I went out to a couple of cool hot spots and before I knew it, it was time for me to leave again for the East coast.  He was the perfect host and gentleman to a girl who had a few friends, and this girl never forgot how awesome he was.  As each summer passed, our lives separated a little more and we eventually just saw one another just one day out of each summer.

The last time I saw Jona was for my Grandmother's 80th birthday, he stopped by to say 'hello' and he and I said our goodbyes with "see you next year!" as a running joke.  That was about 4 years ago,  my life got incredibly busy with college and work... that I hadn't been able to make it to CA since.  I may not have been as close as others, but I feel like he has made such a profound difference in each person's life that he will be loved and missed and always remembered for his humor and sincerity.  I'm comforted that he has a beautiful fiance' and the strongest group of loyal friends to keep him alive in memory and spirit.
  Jona, you're a hilarious, goofy and unforgettable guy, our memories makes me smile and miss the good 'ole days.  Please watch over us all and always know that you'll be loved by each and everyone.

Always & Sincerely,

Jenna and the Richardson family