A Series of Fortunate Events

Jona was 19 yrs old when he showed up with Dave at my parents' house. They
were there to pick me up for a movie when they spotted my dad playing a
piano he had just purchased. Dave began playing the theme song to the
movie, "Halloween" (the only song he knew). Then Jona sat down on the
bench, not saying a word, put his hands on the keys and immediately blew us
away as he played Fur Elise!

It's my favorite classical piece and hearing it live, in the house was the
coolest.  No one has ever played that piano again like Jona did!

Jona, you're one of a kind
one with an open mind
look forward to seeing you again
and your beautiful smile!

Inez J. Rosales

Dawn, you were everything to Jona. Dave and I remember when Jona came over to the house talking about how he met this girl name Dawn...he was totally hooked! Love ya.  

July 4th, 2006.  Dave said it was the furthest you and Jona had ridden...thinks you got a ride back home...!