A Series of Fortunate Events

Jona was always thinking of others! He would email me a pic of a book he thought I might like (neuroanatomy book) and say, could you use this?   

Jona was always funny and making me laugh no matter how hard things were getting. Jona and Dawn sent me a pic of the nurse giving him a bath 2 weeks ago as well as a pic of his g-tube, so I sent him a pic of me while I was at work seeing patients (I had no make-up on and looked exhausted) and he said "you better put some makeup on that mug" and I couldn't stop laughing. He was asking me to look up half-lives of different chemo drugs and which one he might try next and still had a sense of humor to make fun of my pic! When I would tell him to walk to decrease the swelling in his ankles, he would reply "walk it out, walk it out" 

I have met thousands of patients, and literally never met anyone with such a positive and wonderful attitude. And to think we were now related, he was my cousin:)  I truly feel so lucky to have known him and experience his beautiful soul. I will carry that with me forever.  

Our cat Lucy was obsessed with him, and I swear she knows something has been wrong and has been sad all week. He said she was his "Lucy in the sky with diamonds", the only cat he has never been allergic to. (I attached that pic he sent to me the morning he left our place, as well as his affect on Lucy)   Even the fact that he is still touching people through is blog is beautiful.  

Arezou Kunihiro :)
