A Series of Fortunate Events
Jona, or Jonathon as I knew him back then, was the first friend that I made when starting at a new high school in 10th grade. He sat right in front of me in Geometry class and we both became friends while competing to see who could come up with the correct answer to the problems that the teacher presented to us. He always used to make me crack up during class and I used to get a kick out of the fact that he would confuse the letters 'G' and 'J'.  He would always blame it on his French.

After high school, we unfortunately lost touch with each other, but, fortunately last year we reconnected near Christmas time and I'm so very thankful for that. Jona and I got to enjoy lunch at my favorite pizza place, a few tennis games and another time where we just could not find an empty tennis court anywhere so instead we went out to enjoy a cup of Boba.

Jona was a great friend and will be missed dearly.
