A Series of Fortunate Events

***ABOUT US***
I recently ran across a Facebook comment casting slander on my character.  This came to light as I have been accused and heckled over the past couple days about this 'posting,' of which, sadly, I was completely unaware of.  Truth be told, I have found it necessary to add a few amendments:

1. What are your middle names?
Christopher & Michelle

2. How long have you been together?
4 years

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
errr, officially maybe 3 months.. but we worked at the same place for nearly a year before we ever really started talking! i guess that was the day i actually did my hair. haha!

- Don't forget you wore you're glasses!  I'm a sucker for optics

4. Who asked who out?
him first - and rejected twice. then i came around and was the one to ask him.
- 'Rejected' is the wrong word in this context.  Replace with 'I was:

1. Undecided
2. Torn
3. Hesitant to cross over to the 'dark side.'
Or any combination of 2 out of the 3 will work.  Twice.

5. Whose siblings do you see the most?
his.. i don't think my high maintenance dog counts as a sibling.

7. What about pets?
we just babysit now. both our doggies are now with grandma & grandpa. we tried with geckos but they liked to get loose and run away.

8. Did you go to the same school?

9. Who is the most sensitive?
Me - I'm always the emotional one.

10. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Sunnin's Lebanese.. or where ever we have gift cards

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Caribbean cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel

12. Who has the craziest exes?
Me, I guess I am partially responsible for their craziness.

- She's never known my exes.  It shall remain so...She's also a bit too hard on herself.  She's simply attracted to crazy people.  Look at me.

13. Who has the worst temper?
Depends - we're passionate on different topics.

- That is such a political answer.  All I'll say to those of you who really KNOW us...refer to #26

14. Who does the cooking?
Me. Although Jona does the bbq-ing.

Forgot to mention we, I mean she, cooks twice a month.  The question should be: who does the buying?

15. Who is the most social?

16. Who is the neat freak?
ME! I'm so OCD.

- I wish you were more OCD with MY mess :)

17. Who is the most stubborn?
Probably me, but I've improved dramatically thanks to him. :)

- Probably!?!

18. Who hogs the bed?
OMG, definately him. He'll flop over on top of me sometimes.

19. Who wakes up earlier?
Haha, Jona doesn't do mornings. Anyone who knows him, knows never to call before 11.

- To all my friends...10 is OK now.  To my closest: 9:00, but only in an emergency.

20. Where was your first date?
Starbucks, right after my shift at Lucille's. Still in my plaid shirt - sexxy!

- You don't count the woodshed a date?

21. Do you get flowers often?
I can count the occasions on one hand.

- Only because I give her love every day.  Besides, Flowers die…and she didn't mention the chocolates.  That lasts at least 2 years.  Who cares if it's in the thigh?

22. How long did it take to get serious?
We were serious from the start. Haha!

23. Who eats more? faster?
More = him, Faster = me

24. Who sings better?
Yah, I'd have to go with ME. Not that you're bad babe, but it'd be better if you stick to piano.

-An unmentioned factor: I never sing sober.

25. Who does the laundry?
Me. Its like pulling teeth to get him to do it with me. (Amendment: He does offer to fold the socks... I hate doing socks.)

- I will attribute this to short term memory:  She did do the last 2 loads.  Over the past year, it's the same answer as #27!

26. Who’s better with the computer?
Him. I get too frustrated.

- Frustrated = Hammer

27. Who drives when you are together?
Its 50-50

28. Who picks where you go to dinner?
Either of us

- This is how it goes 90% of the time:
1. I ask her where she wants to go
2. She asks me 'What do you feel like?'
3. I pick
4. She tells me that she had that for lunch or just had that 'the other day'
5. She continues by telling me what she DOESN'T feel like
6. Go back to #3.

29. Who wears the pants?
He's the authoritative one. I'm the planner.

- It says pants, not plans.

30. Who has the better sense of humor?
Him. That's why I love him!

31. Who eats more sweets?

32. Who cries more?
Oh for sure me.

33. What's your favorite TV show together?

34. What is your song?
??? Iron & Wine - Such Great Heights

??? Bob Marley - Red Red Wine (or so I thought this was our song)
What can I say, we like wine: I grew up in France and you should meet her parents.

Over all, not bad.  Only biased on 28 and 25 (got heat for that one).
This was posted by Dawn Kleinfelter, the love of my life - LOVE YOU BABE!  MMMMWWAHHHH.

In the Beginning